~~NOTOC~~ # What is Folksprak? _Folksprak_ is the name of a project that aims to construct an inter-Germanic zonal auxlang, a language that can be easily understood by any speaker of a Germanic language (a group numbering over 465 million native speakers with an additional 300 to 900 million speaking English as a second language) without ever having learned it. You don't believe that's possible? Here's an example: if you are a (native) speaker of English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Afrikaans, Yiddish or some other Germanic language (see a [complete list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Germanic_languages)) there's a great chance that you will know what a sentence like _„Ek hav skrivt en buk“_ is supposed to mean. Folksprak is not meant to be designed by any one individual, but rather a collective work created by all interested parties; so you're welcome to participate. # Why another damn Wiki? Good question! But the answer is quite simple: other than the two already existing wikis and most other resources, this one is not about a specific dialect of Folksprak. Instead, it intends to gather and structure ideas, considerations and all the different proposals for an inter-Germanic auxlang, in order to compare them and to name their advantages and disadvantages. The hope is that this leads to a solid base for making rational and fair decisions about specific parts of the language so that in the end there should be a conclusion that most parties can agree with. Maybe a little bit naïve, but I think that it is worth giving it a try. # Main Content - [Goals](?id=goals) - [Phonology and Orthography](?id=phonology_and_orthography) - Grammar - [Declension](?id=declension) - [Conjugation](?id=conjugation) - [Attributes](?id=attributes) - [Correlatives](?id=correlatives) - [Word order](?id=word_order) - [POS marking](?id=pos_marking) - Vocabulary - [Guidelines for word formation](?id=guidelines_for_word_formation) - [Word functions](?id=word_functions) - [Pronouns](?id=pronouns) - [Adpositions](?id=adpositions) - [Conjunctions](?id=conjunctions) - [Numbers](?id=numbers) - [Colours](?id=colours) - [Runes](?id=runes) - [Wordlist](?id=wordlist) - [Habitual Expressions](?id=habitual_expressions) # Side Content - [References](?id=references) - [Sample texts](?id=sample_texts) - [Protocols](?id=protocols) - [Notepad](?id=notepad) # Other Resources ## Current - [IRC-Channel on libera.chat](irc://irc.libera.chat/##folksprak) (if you don't use a separate IRC-Client you can use [Kiwi IRC](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.libera.chat/?nick=sprekar_?&theme=cli##folksprak) - [Matrix-Room](https://matrix.to/#/#folksprak:matrix.org) - [Mailing-list](https://lists.schokokeks.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/folksprak) - [Folksprak (Germanic Conlangs)](http://www.facebook.com/groups/folksprak/) (Folksprak group in Facebook) - [other content on folksprak.org](http://folksprak.org) - [Intergermanic - Middelgermanisch](https://www.facebook.com/groups/2365060660454127) (Middelgermanisch group in Facebook) - [Folksprak Telegram group](https://t.me/folksprak) (discussion chat group in Telegram) ## Old or out of date - [Yahoo-group](https://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/folkspraak/) and its currently broken mailing-list - [geocities.com](http://web.archive.org/web/20011203135008/http://www.geocities.com/folkspraak/) (the old website through a backup on web.archive.org) - [furorteutonicus.eu](http://www.furorteutonicus.eu/folkspraak/wiki/) (an older Wiki that requires a password for editing) - [en.wikibooks.org](http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Folksprak) - [Omniglot](http://www.omniglot.com/writing/folkspraak.htm) - [FrathWiki](http://www.frathwiki.com/Folksprak) # Other projects - Interlingua - [Official webpage](http://interlingua.com) - [Interlingua (IALA) group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/interlingua.IALA) - Neolatino - [Official webpage](https://neolatino.eu/) - [Blog Mondo Neolatino](https://mondoneolatino.blogspot.com/) - [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/vianeolatina/) - [Facebook group Escòla Neolatina](https://www.facebook.com/groups/186554228887107/) - [Google groups mailing list Fòro Neolatino](https://groups.google.com/g/neolatino) - [Telegram chat group](https://t.me/neolatino) - Slovianski / Interslavic - [Information and learning material](http://steen.free.fr/interslavic/) - [Wiki](http://isv.orain.org/) - [ZetaBoards](http://s8.zetaboards.com/Slovianski/index/) - [Lexicon](http://dict.interslavic.com/) - [Меджусловянска бесѣда / Medžuslovjanska besěda](https://t.me/interslavic) (Interslavic chat group in Telegram) - Anglish - [Website](https://anglish.org/) - Cognate Finder - [Reddit-Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/linguistics/comments/ibqwtz/cognate_finder/) >