# Concept collection The Wiki houses a collection of articles, which shall serve as a database for so called _concepts_, i.e. a more abstract view on a _word_. One can take a look at a [typical example](concepts:concept_258) in order to get an idea about it. ## Finding concept articles That's a little hassle at the moment... The search function of the wiki located at the top right position is quite helpful for that. Just type in a word which you suppose to be in a concept article and pick a search result which is labeled with the prefix "__concept:__". However sometimes the search function is not the right tool. Maybe the [Sitemap](https://folksprak.org/wiki/doku.php?idx=concepts) can help in such cases. ## Guidelines for editing ### Syntax One shall strictly abide to the syntax so that the external parser tool can sync the data ### Languages Languages are specified by their [ISO-639-2 Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-2) ([complete list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-2_codes)). The inofficial code __flk__ is used for Folksprak. ### Lemmata The words in the _translations_ sections shall appear in the following forms according to the type of the concept: - verbs: infinitive - nouns: singular nominative - attributes: unflected - prepositions: directive absolute (e.g. "out" instead of "outside", "outer", etc.) Currently many articles do not fulfill this guideline. Feel free to correct them! ### Translations to Folksprak When adding suggestions for translations of concepts to Folksprak, please regard the [Vocabulary Principles](?id=guidelines_for_word_formation)!